71 research outputs found

    Integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones. Experiencia en el Centro de Día de Mayores de Cruz Roja de A Coruña

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    [Resumen] El acceso y uso de las nuevas tecnologías ofrece a los ciudadanos un gran abanico de posibilidades y una gran cantidad de recursos, que les permiten mejorar su desempeño ocupacional, incrementar su participación en la sociedad y responder a sus necesidades vitales y a las demandas del entorno. Sin embargo, existen todavía muchas situaciones en las que no existe una accesibilidad real a las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, como es el caso de las personas con discapacidad o las personas mayores, por lo que se encuentran en una situación de exclusión y desigualdad con respecto al resto de la sociedad. Este capítulo describe la experiencia llevada a cabo en el Centro de Día de Mayores de Cruz Roja de A Coruña con las nuevas tecnologías, utilizando para ello el software In-TIC y una metodología específica para la intervención con personas mayores. El objetivo es facilitar su interacción con el entorno virtual y favorecer el acceso y uso de las TIC. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian una mejora en cuanto a las habilidades cognitivas de los usuarios, la adquisición de destrezas y conocimientos informáticos y la percepción y satisfacción de los mayores con respecto a las nuevas tecnologías

    Estudio sobre el impacto de un programa de envejecimiento activo a través de herramientas tecnológicas

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    [Resumen] El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es estudiar el impacto de un programa de envejecimiento activo desarrollado a través de herramientas tecnológicas, dirigido a mejorar la calidad de vida de un grupo de personas mayores del área metropolitana de A Coruña y responder a las necesidades que presenten en su desempeño ocupacional. Para ello, se aplicó un diseño de investigación mixto, con una muestra de 45 adultos mayores, empleando técnicas de recogida y análisis de los datos de tipo cuantitativo y cualitativo, tanto antes como después de llevar a cabo la intervención. En general, se obtuvieron resultados muy positivos, produciéndose una mejora significativa en las puntuaciones relacionadas con el comportamiento ocupacional. Se observó también una clara tendencia a la mejora en la calidad de vida. El análisis cualitativo mostró además otros múltiples beneficios del programa de intervención, como son: la oportunidad de aprender cosas nuevas, la evocación de recuerdos del pasado o mejoras en las interacciones sociales. En base a los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que el programa de envejecimiento activo desarrollado a través de herramientas tecnológicas presenta un impacto muy positivo sobre diferentes aspectos y dimensiones de la calidad de vida y el desempeño ocupacional de las personas mayores.[Resumo] O obxectivo deste traballo de investigación é estudar o impacto dun programa de envellecemento activo desenvolto a través de ferramentas tecnolóxicas, dirixido a mellorar a calidade de vida dun grupo de persoas maiores da área metropolitana da Coruña e responder ás necesidades que presenten no seu desempeño ocupacional. Para iso, aplicouse un deseño de investigación mixto, cunha mostra de 45 adultos maiores, empregando técnicas de recollida e análise dos datos de tipo cuantitativo e cualitativo, tanto antes como despois de levar a cabo a intervención. En xeral, obtivéronse resultados moi positivos, producíndose unha mellora significativa nas puntuacións relacionadas co comportamento ocupacional. Observouse tamén unha clara tendencia á mellora na calidade de vida. A análise cualitativa amosou ademais outros múltiples beneficios do programa de intervención, como son: a oportunidade de aprender cousas novas, a evocación de recordos do pasado ou melloras nas interaccións sociais. En base ós resultados obtidos, conclúese que o programa de envellecemento activo desenvolto a través de ferramentas tecnolóxicas presenta un impacto moi positivo sobre diferentes aspectos e dimensións da calidade de vida e o desempeño ocupacional das persoas maiores.[Abstract] The objective of this research is to study the impact of an active aging program developed through technological tools, aimed to improving the quality of life of a group of older people in the metropolitan area of A Coruña and respond to the needs that arise in their occupational performance. For this, it was applied a mixed research design, with a sample of 45 seniors, using techniques for collecting and analysing quantitative and qualitative data type, both before and after carrying out the intervention. Overall, very positive results were obtained, causing a significant improvement in scores related to occupational behavior. A clear trend towards an improvement in the quality of life was also observed. The qualitative analysis also showed many other benefits of the intervention program, such as the opportunity to learn new things, evoking memories of the past or improvements in social interactions. Based on these results, we conclude that the active aging program developed through technological tools has a very positive impact on different aspects and dimensions of quality of life and occupational performance of the elderly

    Gamificación e interactividade nas aulas da UDC

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    [Resumo] Este traballo xestouse no Grupo de Innovación Educativa “Gamificación e interactividade nas aulas” da Universidade da Coruña. Como principal obxectivo planeouse determinar o potencial da creación de contidos interactivos dentro das presentacións de diferentes materias mediante tecnoloxías coma os clickers on-line e ferramentas de gamificación para captar a atención do alumnado. A comunicación presenta os resultados do emprego das enquisas online e en tempo real, a través de diversas aplicacións, coma AnswerGarden, Kahoot e Mentimeter. A metodoloxía interactiva aplicouse en materias do Grao en Terapia Ocupacional e na Universidade Sénior da Universidade da Coruña. Os participantes activos inclúen aos propios docentes, estudantes xoves (entre 19 e 25 anos) e persoas maiores de 50 anos (Universidade Sénior). Os estudantes de 2º e 3º de Terapia Ocupacional (n=105) participaron nas enquisas (media de 6 consultas online por materia). Na Universidade Sénior, 30 estudantes reflectiron as súas percepcións sobre diferentes temáticas como saúde, benestar e envecellemento e manifestaron os coñecementos acadados sobre o uso das TIC. Nesta primeira experiencia, comprobouse que a gamificación pode ser aplicada nos contornos universitarios con diferentes grupos de estudantes. A participación e visualización dos resultados prodúcese en tempo real, ofrecendo unha retroalimentación inmediata e contribuíndo á aprendizaxe de contidos específicos[Abstract] The present work was created by Group of Educative Innovation “Gamification and interactivity in classrooms” of Universidade da Coruña. The main proposal was to determine the potential derivate from the creation of interactive contains on presentation of few subjects through technologies. One example of that is the use of clickers online and tools for gamification to get the attention from students. The paper presents the results from the use of online and on time enquires through diverse applications, like AnswerGarden, Kahoot and Mentimeter. The interactive methodology was applied in subjects of Degree in Occupational Therapy and of Senior University. The active participants were the own teachers, young students (19 – 25 years old) and people with more than 50 years (Senior University). The students from 2 and 3 course of Occupational Therapy (n=105) participated on enquires (main of 6 consults by subject). In Senior University, 30 students reflected their perceptions about different subjects, as health, wellbeing and aging, and exposed their own knowledge about ICT. In that first experience, authors checked that gamification can be applied along universities contexts with different groups of students. The participation and display of results occur in real time, offering an immediate feedback and contributing to the knowledge of specific contain

    Assistive technology based on client-centered for occupational performance in neuromuscular conditions

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    [Abstract] Knowledge of the patient’s own perception of functioning and dependence, and of environmental factors, is of significant value. The main goals of this study are (1) to obtain a general profile of the occupational performance of persons with neuromuscular disorders (NMD) and their needs related to that performance and (2) to determine the support resources (assistive technologies [AT], adjustment, and/or caregiver) required to improve or maintain their level of independence. This cross-sectional study involved 24 persons with NMD. The functional independence measure (FIM), the checklist of a home’s accessibility level, and a specific questionnaire were administered. The sample included 14 women (58.3%) and 10 men (41.7%). A mean of 61.7 (standard deviation=17.2) was obtained for FIM motor, over 91, indicating a moderate level of dependence. The AT most frequently used was a wheelchair (70.8%). Architectural barriers were detected in the majority of users’ homes (87.5%). Concise assessment of the independence needs of people with NMD, according to their occupational performance, and prescription of resources to meet those needs are required. This procedure should be implemented in healthcare programs, including care to a caregiver

    The use of computers and augmentative and alternative communication devices by children and young with cerebral palsy

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    [Abstract] The purpose of the study was to determine the use of computers and assistive devices amongst children with cerebral palsy (CP) and establish the satisfaction level of both users and educational staff. The study was carried out with 30 children with cerebral palsy. A questionnaire was designed to characterize the use of new technologies and assistive devices. Some of the questions were reserved for the teachers. Even though 29 users show some type of communication difficulty, only 4 users dispose of a computer-aided communication device, with the static symbolic board being the most widely used device (4). More than half of the participants (17) regularly use a computer, 16 of them requiring some type of assistive device. The perception of the teachers with regard to the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) in the classrooms is positive in 5 out of 6 cases. ICTs only provide assistance if their application is accompanied by the involvement of professionals and the child's social environment. The low use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication techniques along with the absence of communication codes reveal the need to establish training protocols. The inclusion of social, physical, and personal factors is considered essential in order to evaluate the needs for assistive technology

    Assessing mouse alternatives to access to computer: a case study of a user with cerebral palsy

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    [Abstract] The purpose of this study is to describe the process of assessment of three assistive devices to meet the needs of a woman with cerebral palsy (CP) in order to provide her with computer access and use. The user has quadriplegic CP, with anarthria, using a syllabic keyboard. Devices were evaluated through a three-step approach: (a) use of a questionnaire to preselect potential assistive technologies, (b) use of an eTAO tool to determine the effectiveness of each devised, and (c) a conducting semi-structured interview to obtain qualitative data. Touch screen, joystick, and trackball were the preselected devices. The best device that met the user's needs and priorities was joystick. The finding was corroborated by both the eTAO tool and the semi-structured interview. Computers are a basic form of social participation. It is important to consider the special needs and priorities of users and to try different devices when undertaking a device-selection process. Environmental and personal factors have to be considered, as well. This leads to a need to evaluate new tools in order to provide the appropriate support. The eTAO could be a suitable instrument for this purpose. Additional research is also needed to understand how to better match devices with different user populations and how to comprehensively evaluate emerging technologies relative to users with disabilities